
Monday, June 27, 2011

"...a small part of the glorious picture..."

We had such a great week last week! My sister and her family came up to visit us in small town Idaho! I am sure they enjoyed escaping the heat (it was supposed to be 113* in Phoenix while they were up here enjoying our 60 and 70 degree weather!) and we enjoyed having them.

We played and played for five days straight and all the kids had such a blast. Her youngest two are just months apart in age of my two, and Squirrel and Rexamus have been best friends since they were itty-bitty.

Here are a few highlights of the trip:

Zoo : : : Feeding the goats and playing in the children's area.



Bathtime : : :  Fun x 4!  

 Dinners out in the courtyard! {This kid knows how to chow!}

Centennial Carousel!

{Is it any wonder these two goofballs love each other so much?} 

Alas, it was eventually time to say goodbye, but not without trying to get a snapshot of all the kiddos in their tie-dye shirts they made during the visit! It took a few tries from first to last, but we finally managed to get one that mostly worked!

Here's to family and a few more weeks of glorious summer days!



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