
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"She spins and weaves and cuts with full authority."

A couple of weeks ago, Squirrel had her first ballet recital. She was such a crack up because at the rehearsal, she was just a busy bee. She was turned around, looking every which way, and falling behind on her steps. (This itself is hard to distinguish if you haven't attended her ballet class every week for the past 9 months like me, since it's like a watching a platoon of drunken cats spin to music, but I digress...) 

Then, the actual performance came, and she was like a different kid! She was probably the only one who was actually on count, she didn't goof around before the music, and she knew the whole things from start to end. She busted it out for an audience, I guess. 

Anyway, these are a little late in coming, but here are a few photos of her in her costume. She got to wear makeup (the teacher requests blue eyeshadow, red lips and pink cheeks...I swear I don't usually do her up like a pageant show nightmare). Which she was exceedingly excited about, and which led to a whole HOST of other battles, which I will not delve into now. So, here ya go! Enjoy some serious glitz and glam! 

{There she is in the middle, looking all professional while the rest 
of these ladies wonder what they are doing on stage!} 


1 comment:

  1. Squirrel would like you to update her age to 4 on the 'about' section to the right of this comment...


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