
Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So first, thanks again to all the people who voted.

I honestly can't say thank you enough.

We can't stop talking about how excited we are--this is BIG!

And, because I am so totally full of gratitude, I decided I'd pull two winners for the giveaway--so, two lucky peeps will win something fabulous ( fabulous as a less than perfect seamstress and crafter can make...)

So, without further ado, the winners are:

#16, Alessia, who wrote:
I shared on twitter:


#1, Jenny, who wrote:
Alright - I gave my four votes today! And I definitely "like"d it on FB!

CONGRATS! I will be sending you both an email shortly to ask some questions to help me decide how best to "surprise" you! 

Thanks again to everyone who voted and passed it along! 


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