
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

{Summer's arrival at last!}

"The summer, in some climates, makes possible to man a sort of Elysian life."

The sweetest benefit of living in a seemingly endless winter is the perfect summer. Weather here, though only recently changed, tops out in the high 70s or low 80s and bottoms out in the 50s. Warm, breezy days give way to cool evenings with sweetness in the air.

We don't have much access to a swimming pool anymore (a given in Phoenix), but we do have plenty of grass with frequent sprinklers, as well as the local splash pad.

{I may look like I'm rescuing them, but that was just a ploy to run through the sprinklers with them! And yes, Squirrel's panties are on backwards because she apparently "likes them better that way."}

{Not terribly happy about the grass clippings in Grandpa's yard...}

{Sprinkler play on a windy day}

{At the local splash park}

{Oh, this adorable chub, just chillin' in the sun...}

I hope you and yours are enjoying some fun in the sun! 


P.S. Thank you to EVERYONE who voted, passed along our photo, and shared with friends. We won the iPad giveaway! It is going to be a huge blessing to us and make the Mister incredibly happy. It will also be a much lighter, easier tool for him in his classes. (And I already found him an awesome app that I can't wait to load--it's an anatomy quiz of all the body parts! Just what my pre-med man needs!) Thank you, thank you, thank you! We'll randomly choose the winner of the handmade item giveaway tomorrow! Can't wait to see who wins!


  1. Can you really say summer has arrived when your kids are wearing PANTS in JUNE?? Crazy! We'll have to hit the splash pad when we're visiting. The boys LOVE them, especially Sam!

  2. I know! It's totally bizarre. Mostly, we're all in shorts the past week, but bring some pants just in case!

  3. I love the pics of you out there with the little ones! Makes me smile!


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