
Friday, June 4, 2010


One of the things we like to do as a family is go geocaching. Geocaching is basically a high-tech treasure hunt. Somebody hides a cache full of "treasure" and supplies the GPS coordinates. You find those coordinates and start looking. Then, you can take a trinket and leave a trinket, and log your find in the log book with the cache. The Mister had some homework today, and Little Bird was napping, so Squirrel and I went out for some nearby geocaching. 

{Here she is with her "treasure hunt" kit:}

{There it is, in those rocks!}

{Squirrel picks a dinosaur from the cache...}

{...and replaces it with a silver and pink tiara. Gotta add girly where you can, right?}

For more on geocaching, visit

While I'm sharing links, here's a little more link love for a few things I've been reading:

Kitchen Stewardship--Baby steps to feeding your family "real" food.

The Healing Fork--Day-to-day menus from a mom who is healing her son's autism (and other things) with diet.

Bloom--Bread Making

How Does She? --Rainbow Polka Dot Party {Squirrel has requested a "Rainbow Number Party" for her upcoming 3rd birthday. Oh, the inspiration here!}

AND--don't forget to enter our giveaway for two Take A Walk Books! Giveaway closes Monday!

Have a fantastic day! 

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