
Thursday, June 3, 2010


The Mister has a baby brother on a mission. He's in Washington, if any super cute chicks want his address. ;)

For Family Night last week, we wrote letters to Uncle Grape (what Squirrel calls her Uncle Greg), and then later Squirrel and I stayed up making him some goodies. It was hard to convince her that she couldn't eat them all herself, but I promised we'd make some more for her upcoming birthday party.

They are pretty darn yummy and remarkably easy! I saw a picture of some on a website, but saw no recipe, so I sort of just figured out the easiest way to do it:

We took some pretzel rods, vanilla "melties" (just those candy chips for melting) and rainbow sprinkles.

Melt, dip, and sprinkle! Pretty, huh? And easy enough that Squirrel could help (when she wasn't stuffing her cheeks with stolen pretzels and sprinkles or dipping her finger in the vanilla dip!).

{I used a mason jar to melt the chips in a pot of boiling time I'll use something different, because the shape of the jar made dipping the pretzels a little tricky.}

Enjoy, Elder!


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