
Saturday, May 29, 2010

{Nature Walk}

The University has some lovely gardens on the grounds, and the kids and I went for a walk through them in the nice weather. I only had the point and shoot, but caught some fun shots of the kiddos anyway...

We posed:

{Little Bird thought this lion fountain was quite hilarious...}

We hopped and hovered:

We pontificated on the beauty of nature:

We looked in the ponds and in the fountains:


And ate flowers...

What more could you ask for in a day?



  1. It made me smile to see Squirrel wearing a bow I made <3

  2. I love this. quite lovely. I love the smirk on Little Bird's face, and the uncontainable joy in Squirrel. You are a GOOD mother!

  3. I LOVE your children...and I've never even met them... Thanks for sharing your life from afar!


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