
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

{Handmade Kitchen Lovelies}

Sometime ago, I gave this virtual tour of our lovely dormitory-style apartment.  While I really do enjoy our apartment, my job, and this adorable (albeit COLD) town we live in, I cannot stand the white cinderblock walls. Most of all, I am made despondent at the painfully white kitchen (white floor, white walls, white appliances, white cabinets, etc) with the burgundy drapes (I really dislike burgundy). So crazy has it been making me that I scraped and scrubbed every corner of the kitchen and then decided to sew up some life into the place, since I can't paint and can't install new cabinets or appliances.

To be honest, it isn't much, but some clearance fabric and some time helped put a little color into the kitchen. What do you think?

{A large view...okay, I KNOW it looks exactly the same as the "before" pictures...but there's a little rag rug and some chair covers and FLOWERS...}

{The chair covers and new valance I whipped up...}

{A white board made from some burlap and an old frame I found at a thrift store...silly me. I thought I'd brighten up a white kitchen by painting the frame white...I think I need to repaint it, and maybe redo the burlap with something a little warmer...any ideas?}

{A bit of Thoreau-inspired vinyl wall art from here.} 

I know it isn't much, but it was budget friendly, all handmade, and I feel so much more charming climbing on chairs to dig through my unreachable spice baskets now.

{And of these days I'll take a picture of myself above the knees...but not today. And note to self, hide the crusty 60 year old thrift store crockpot in the background next time you take a picture....}

Have a sunny day!



  1. I love everything!!! I think the wall art is my favorite, but I am super impressed you found clearance fabric that matches all together, with the wall art too!

  2. If you don't like the burlap, you could always try paper. I'm going to try that, and print words on the paper instead of using vinyl.

  3. You amaze me! Every time I read your blog I go away inspired and sometimes a bit jealous that I will never be your kind of amazing (I have to remind myself that I am amazing in my own way so as not to be discouraged). I love your kitchen. You are adorable. I think you should keep the burlap, I love the effect, but paint the trim that lovely green you have been using. There are my two cents, and are worth just that.


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