
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Little Bird's Birthday

Part of the reason I have been scarce is that we left town for a few days. We headed to Utah to visit the Mister's wonderful family and celebrate Little Bird's birthday while there.

For his birthday, he got a couple of appliqued shirts and the cutest thing I have EVER made (more on that soon!). The only other birthday present he got was the world's MOST adorable cake. I found Ashley on a local bulletin board and saw her blog here. I fell in love with some of her adorable designs and the fact that she sends a free smash cake along with birthday cakes for first birthdays. She was so open to my monster themed idea and when I went to pick up the cakes, I was totally knocked over by how cute they were!

It almost seemed a shame to cut into them, but they were just as delicious as they were adorable! Obviously...

Blowing out the candle:

Squirrel helps too:


Gluttony at its cutest...

I told you, he definitely enjoyed it! 

Happy Birthday, Little Bird! 

{More from this guy soon!} 


  1. He has grown up so much in 6 weeks. (and those cakes? a.dor.a.ble.

  2. Those cakes are so fun! Love those shirts!


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