
Monday, February 22, 2010

"a hundred chickens, all in pursuit of one bug..."

I took some time to document Little Bird's birthday with some one year photos while in Utah. The first few went pretty well. (Isn't his little tie-applique shirt I made him too cute? I used this tutorial.)

Then we did a little wardrobe change to the monster shirt I made him (no tutorial here...that was all me!). 

The trouble was that in the time it took to change his shirt, Grandpa's chickens came over to investigate...and as you can see, Little Bird did NOT like that one bit.

Getting a little nervous at their approach...

Okay, definitely freaked out!

So, I didn't get exactly what I was after, but love these just as much!

1 comment:

  1. Your tie shirt turned out great and I LOVE the monster! Your little guy is darling!


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