It was such a fun little park and museum. The kids loved walking through the park and seeing all the statues of dinosaurs. They even had an indoor animatronic display of a T-Rex and a mama Tri-terra-sops with babies. In addition, there was a large geology exhibit and fossils of various dinosaurs on display. (I'm secretly a rock nerd. I had this pretty impressive rock collection as a kid. I don't know what happened to it...but sometimes, like, 20 years later, I still think about it and wish I had it. I think if I were to start college all over, I'd get a degree in Geology. That's how cool I am.)
Anyway, if you're out that way and have a kid who loves dinos, I highly recommend it!
Big scary dino means run to Daddy!
Little Brother, just chillin'
Everybody say "RRAAAAWWWRRR!!!"