
Monday, August 6, 2012

The Baby Grasshopper Gets Blessed!

We were so grateful to have so much family in town for Grasshopper's blessing! My parents came into town and spent about a month with us, and that weekend, we were also joined by Rob's parents and several siblings, as well as his Aunt Ellen. It felt like we were introducing half the congregation at church that Sunday!

Rob gave the little Grasshopper a really beautiful blessing.
Some of the things he was blessed with:
to be a comfort to others, to love them and provide comfort
to be a leader of men
to know the gospel and understand it
to be married in the temple and serve a mission
with the power of discernment and to know the truth of what people tell him
to live a long life full of mysteries and adventure
to know his parents and siblings love him

I really appreciated especially the blessing that he would be a comfort to others. Already I have seen this true for me. Given all the excitement of his pregnancy, he has indeed been a comfort to me. Even now, his sweet little smiles and delightfulness bring me back to myself and ground me. He just warms my heart so much. Even in utero, when I would really focus on him and handing over my worries to the Lord, I was so comforted. I love that he has been blessed to carry that with him through his life. And gee whiz, isn't he the cutest little thing you've ever seen?

Other pictures taken:

{Our little family--we got Little Bird to smile, but only if he showed his belly. Goofball}

 {All our parents! LOVE THEM!}

{Aunt Ellen--I call her one of my favorite "wedding presents"--I didn't know her before we married, but am SO grateful for her and her wonderfulness! I actually got a lot of these amazing relatives when I married Rob. It's pretty awesome.}

 {Look at him, sucking on his bottom lip. Does this all the time!}

The only thing I wish I'd thought to do was take a photo with all of our famiy that was there for the event. But, silly me, I didn't... :(

Anyway, it was such a great day with a wonderful spirit and I was so grateful to have it in our lives!


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