
Saturday, June 23, 2012

{Aloha!} Squirrely-girl's Birthday Party

Because Squirrel turned five this year, which is one of the years we have chosen to allow a party, she was able to have her first "real" birthday party, with friends, presents, and the whole she-bang! It was really tempting not to do it at all, having just had a baby and all, but we decided to just push it back two weekends and do it anyway.

She chose the "Tiki Room (a la Disneyland) for the theme, and I had a lot of fun figuring how to make that happen. I was SO GRATEFUL for my sister and her mother-in-law who were here to help with preparations and the baby! Otherwise, it would have been a LOT more stressful than I could have handled.
{The happy birthday girl!}

{Hula Dance Lesson}

{So in love with this! Little cousin who had to get in on the action, grass skirt over belly and all!}

{Not much for the dancing, but a big fan of little umbrellas!}

{The food--fruit kabobs, mini-bagel hawaiian pizzas, pineapple punch, tiki shaped chocolates}

{Birthday cake--lopsided as always, but still tasty!}

{Getting sung "Happy Birthday to You!"}

{Cake carnage!}

In the end, she had a blast, and I was glad we did it! 
Exhausted (I think I took a four hour nap afterward!), but glad! 


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