
Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Happy Easter! Just a quick post sharing some photos and fun.

My busiest time of the semester (check outs, apartment flips, and check-ins) tends to fall when everyone else in this town has a break, so we had a small, but delightful Easter.

We had an egg-hunt with some friends--other managers of on-campus housing and their kiddos, since we knew we'd all be working straight through Easter weekend.

Squirrel and Little Bird were quite delighted by their finds...
most of which were emptied by bed time that night. 

Then, after church on Easter Sunday, we had a little egg hunt at our place, in the courtyard for the kiddos. The loved it so much, they spent half the rest of the day re-hiding and finding the eggs! 

(Do you like Little Bird's bowtie? I whipped it up on the way out the door to church...and miraculously, we were still on time! He loved it and it was ridiculously easy. Maybe I'll make more...and maybe I'll make a tutorial...)

(I'm in love with the delight on Squirrel's face in this photo. 
 I mean, seriously, when did finding an Easter egg cease to be so incredibly awesome for me?
That must have been the beginning of the end of childhood for me...I hope she always 
gets this excited about finding Easter Eggs...such a simple pleasure.)

Hope your Easter was beautiful and a wonderful reminder of the sacred gift it celebrates! 


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