
Monday, October 3, 2011

Tutorial: Fleece Ear Warmer Headband

As I mentioned a few days ago, I started running back in April. The spring and summer months in Idaho are great for running. But as fall's chill has begun to creep in, I have realized I need some new gear to run in. The other night, I realized the first thing to get cold (and NOT warm up once I got going) was my ears! So I decided to make a fleece head band to keep them warm. And while I was at it, I made a tutorial.

I have a penchant for leopard print, so lucky for me, I had some leopard print fleece already on hand. The piece was pretty small, a leftover from Little Bird's awesome Halloween costume from last year. But, the piece doesn't need to be very large.

With my cutting mat, rotary cutter, and quilting square, I cut two layers of fabric about 4 1/2 inches wide by 24 inches long. (If I were to do this again, I would probably have thinned it just a bit.)

Then, I wrapped the strips around my head to fit and ended up cutting about 2 inches off. 
Next, taper the ends so it will stay put on the back of your head a little better. 

Once you have it tapered the right amount, go ahead and sew the pieces together all the way around, leaving a small opening to turn the headband. 

I left my opening at the end, but you can leave it anywhere. Just make sure you have enough space to turn the headband right-side-out through the hole. 

Once you have turned it right-side-out, use a straight stitch to top-stitch the headband. 

Next, using a tight zog-zag stitch or your machine's button hole maker, create a button hole. 
(This was my first ever button hole! Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.)
After you have made the button hole, cut the space in the middle of the stitch. 

Now, for a bit of embellishment. I just randomly cut out a few flower shapes to layer, and an irregular strip for added texture. 

I layered the flowers on top, and ruffled the strip. 
Using thread and needle, apply the embellishments and the button on the 
opposite tail from the button hole. 

You're done! And if you have longer hair than me (so not hard), 
you probably won't look as crazy, like you put your finger in a light socket. 

Here's the thing about making stuff for yourself...
then you have to be the model. 
I don't post a lot of photos of myself because I think they're cheesy...and well, never look right...

Do I smile?

Act too cool for school?

Something in between?

Give up and make ridiculous faces like this?

Or go back to the beginning and hide like usual? 
(I think this is the one I like best. )

Anyway, enjoy your headband! I've already tested it out and it does indeed keep my ears cozy and warm! Now I may be able to run outside all winter long...



  1. Fantastic.... I like the pics even better than the tut! ;) I'ma make one for little Miss A so she doesn't mess up her ponytail on the playground. Nice job Kierra!!

  2. The tut and the finished product is fantastic.
    The model makes everything work. Thanks

  3. I think the something in between picture was the best ;) Thanks for the tutorial!

  4. Love it. specially the last photos .

  5. That looks so awesome! I am traveling to Connecticut next month and this would be just fantastic for our time there. Looks like I'll be buying some more fleece tomorrow!


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