
Thursday, August 25, 2011

We are going to....


I am so EXCITED. The one thing I really miss about our "new life" is Disneyland. I probably whine to Rob about it way more often than is acceptable. But I think people are either Disney people or not--and for me, I am definitely a Disney person.

Well, apparently, my amazing husband got the idea in his head to ferret money away for a surprise trip and plan it with my brother-in-law as a surprise for my sister. It didn't stay a surprise for her very long, and my parents decided to go as well. As a result, the surprise was almost blown a couple of times, but they managed to cover their tracks. And for our anniversary, Rob told me we'd be leaving at the end of this month for Disney!

At first, he got a "that's not funny to joke about" response. But once I realized he wasn't kidding, now he has a wife who is out of control making adorable stuff for us to wear while we are there!

I am so STOKED that we are going and that both my babies will be old enough to remember this trip (and tall enough to ride the Matterhorn!). There is something just MAGICAL about Disneyland--I become emotional at the thought of seeing my kids faces light up in wonder at that place--the magic, the smiles, the wonder, the excitement. Yeah, I am definitely a Disney person!

Here's the first thing I made: freezer paper stenciled shirts for Squirrel and Little Bird and my sister's three boys:

I am so proud of these! 
I got the idea from Dana over at MADE, one of my very favorite creative blogs. She does a great job of explaining the process, so I won't reinvent the wheel, but head over and check it out: HERE

They didn't require a lot of skill, but they DID require a good deal of time. (I am now an exacto knife wizard!) In the end, I love that they are so clean and sharp and look almost like they were screen printed. I can't wait to get all these kiddos at the front gates in their awesome coordinating brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. 

Okay, enough Disney blubbering! I will post more crafts as I make them and as I have time. I am gearing up for both our trip and the 210 BOYS who arrive in my apartments the day after (eek!) we get back from our trip. Hope you are enjoying the last breaths of summer! Already the nights are chilling and fall is creeping in....

I've had a lot of requests for the photos I used. I am not 100% sure these are the exact ones, but they are pretty close, so here's some links to the closest I could find to what I used! Hope this helps! 



  1. Wow those shirts look like a pro did them!!! Glad you made good use of the freezer paper.

  2. Congratulations!!! That will be such a great trip - and the shirts look AMAZING! (also - I'm totally jealous. of the trip. and the shirts)

  3. Hi, we are taking our first trip to Disney World next week with our 6 kids. I'm wanting to make similar shirts, but am having a hard time finding the faces. Did you find yours online? Do you happen to have a link still? Thanks!!

  4. Id love the link too if you have them!! They look SOOOO great!! Love them!!!!

  5. I tried to post a minute a go but it didn't work I guess...I love these!!! I am also interested in the patterns or links. Amazing job!!!

  6. We also would love the links to the images! You did such a wonderful job, and this is exactly what we had in mind as well. If you still have the images, do you think you could e-mail them to Thanks!

    1. Thank you so much for posting them! :) Just in the nick of time.

  7. Thank you SO much for linking the stencils - it saved me about 1,000 hours of searching for the PERFECT ones :) I hope mine turn out as amazing as yours :)!

  8. I found your shirts on pinterest and I love them. I made them and wanted to thank you for your detailed instructions of how to do it. I am going to disneyland in november so it will be soon. thanks again

  9. These are so cute! I am making them for our trip this August! One question, did you just buy black fabric paint?

  10. These are so cute! I am making them for our trip this August! One question, did you just buy black fabric paint?

  11. Yes, Tulip brand black fabric paint! Thanks for the compliments!

  12. Hello, where did did you buy the different colored shirts?


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