
Monday, July 11, 2011

{Lemonade for Sale!}

Since summer began, and even long before, Squirrel has been asking if she can "make a lemon stand." She plays lemonade stand often. A couple weeks ago, on our way out to the nursery to get seed potatoes, we passed a yard sale where they had this little beauty for sale. We could hardly say no to such an adorable bargain, and Squirrel was over the moon. In fact, when we realized it wouldn't fit into Rob's car, we made arrangements to come back for it with the van, and she started to sob. It took us a minute, but we realized she was devastated because she thought we had decided not to get it, and her little heart had broken at such a prospect. We calmed her down, and did return. 

Now, she likes to roll the stand to the sidewalk and peddle her goods. Usually the price is different for every person, and often it's just free, but somehow, she still manages to earn a few coins for her piggy bank! 


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