
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"I have always cultivated a garden..."

While the rest of the world has already started harvesting their summer garden goods, we are only just planting. (We aren't frost free until at least the end of May or early part of June, but even in June, there were a few nights I had to haul in my pots.) Here are some shots of our little garden, or at least part of it. We have a plot in the community garden, but somebody keeps stealing our water, so it's suffering. I think we have finally brought it back from the brink, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

At any rate, I've been keeping several things potted here at the apartment, and I'm grateful, as my little potted garden is currently doing better than the larger plot in the community garden.

I've got onions, cherry tomatoes, larger tomatoes, bell peppers, and strawberries.

This is a makeshift strawberry jar Rob created for me. I wanted something with extra space for the strawberries that might give them the chance of surviving through winter, so we came up with this idea of a larger pot with drilled holes for the strawberries. So far, they are enjoying their little home! 

And even finally started sprouting. Keeping my fingers crossed that we see some 
scrumptious berries soon! 

Are you growing anything this year?


1 comment:

  1. Kierra! Love the strawberry pot!

    Flagstaff has super late frosts too, but we've had our stuff in a garden box Ben built for about a month now. We have tomatoes (large and cherry), and strawberries. We were able to grow these really well in our first home. In addition, we went for squash, green beans, carrots, and kale. So far so good!!!!

    I wish we could marvel at each other's gardens in person!!! Miss you!


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