
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Guest Post: From the Squirrel's Point of View

Today's photos are brought to you by Squirrel. She is actually rather obsessed with taking photos with the iPod. In fact, just about every time she gets ahold of the thing, there are not just a few, but usually upwards of a hundred new photos. While I spend a lot of time deleting photos from these escapades, I also enjoy seeing all the things that she thought were worthy of capturing. 

Here are a few of my favorites:

A conversation with Zucchini

A study in the anatomy of paper owls:

Self portrait (she'll be all set for Facebook when she's a teenager):

The ever-important Pillow Pet:

Getting a haircut: 

Car ride:

Shopping at Target for socks:

Sometimes, there is a lot of beauty in a fresh perspective.



  1. Rex does the same thing with my ipod. I end up with tons of photos of his face! Good thing it's a cute face.

  2. He does indeed have a cute face!
    What really makes me crazy is that she learned how to delete stuff...and deleted some stuff that I hadn't backed the "Talent Show" she and Rex put on in Boise. :(


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