
Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

We celebrated Easter with family in Utah. The weather was not quite as chilly as Idaho, and on Sunday the sun came out to warm us and remind us of the Son on a very special day.

A few photos from the ever-exciting egg hunt!

On the drive, I couldn't resist...

We started out a bit tentative (and grumpy...)

Squirrel was very excited to look for the eggs with her number. 
(With 25+ people in the egg hunt, it is a handy way to keep track of whose eggs are whose. 
She learned the number 10 and how to spot it very quickly!)

The first find! 

Good grief...we make beautiful babies! 
(By the way, he is still a little grouchy at this point. He hasn't figured out what was IN the eggs yet.)

The next egg found, after discovering what they have inside! 


Hope your Easter was beautiful!


1 comment:

  1. I miss your babies so much I have little tears in my eyes...


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