
Saturday, January 15, 2011

{An Illustrative List}

So much for daily posting. I am barely managing weekly.

As such, a random list:

1. I think {hope} we are finally emerging from the end of semester/beginning of semester chaos. I've made it fully through check-outs and check-ins and the onslaught of meetings, activities, near-constant door knocks, and seemingly endlessly similar questions that mark the change of faces we see every couple of months.

2. I started taking a Hebrew class. It is fabulously delightful to be learning something again, something challenging and new. I love school. LOVE IT.

3.  If my ancient Greek professor, Dr. Armstrong, were to read this, he'd probably laugh because my motto in my fourth semester of his class was "D's get degrees." I am hoping Hebrew goes somewhat better.

4. In discussing my Hebrew class, I explained to the Mister that my class is full of DORKS. He stopped, gave me a look with one eyebrow up and said, "Kierra..." almost as if to scold me, but then added, "You're taking a Hebrew are taking a Hebrew class. For FUN."
              Ah...point taken; my class is, without exception, filled with dorks.

5. As part of said Hebrew class, I have been watching this video almost constantly. Squirrel quite likes it and requests it.

6. This makes me rather proud. {Please see item #4.}

7. Little Bird is sick. AGAIN. It feels like the kids and I only just recovered from a seriously nasty Christmas vacation bout with strep throat. And now the poor guy is coughing and has this sweet, hoarse little voice.

8. Why is it that every time it gets close to taking one of the kids in for their "well check" it seems like that happens to be when they are perpetually UNwell? I can't be the only one this happens to, or am I?

9. Real, true, eastern Idaho winter has set in. Feet of snow rise up along the sidewalks like highway road barriers, and the endless grey sky gives no hint of the time of day. This grey bowl that has descended makes me sleepy, and I swear I have already lost hours simply staring out the window in a wintery trance.

10. I already miss the sun and know, if last year is any indicator, it may be months before I actually see it again...

11. We did take advantage of the snow...well, we tried. Apparently, when it gets too cold, snow is no longer fun to play in because it doesn't pack--it just crumbles apart like so many tiny ice balls...

12. Here are some photos to prove it:

{Snow angel}

{Snow angel foiled by snow in the face...such devastation.}

{Oh my goodness, I am so excited I finally captured this kid's dark brown eyes. 
They are impossible to photograph!}



  1. I Love the way you write! I've been talking to your mom about 3 times a week & we've had some great talks. (A lot of them about you and how much We Love to read your writings. She printed off the story of Squirrel & her pet dragon & tiger. ) I laughed SO hard I was crying. I just want you to know your mother adores you SO much & she brags proudly of how talented you are & I agree! Enjoy dork class I MEAN Hebrew class ;)

  2. C'mon kierra! We both knew we were headed for dorkness in Catalina island as the buffalo girls in sixth grade! It seems sO weird to see a friend comment on your post when I forget you two know eachother. I hope you have a great winter in freeze land. We may be in that area next month for a wedding, we will gave to do mill hollow! Loves

  3. You may try Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa ( i know alot of people use it, its also non alcoholic, though it's effectiveness is not as good as alcohol based cough medicine, but it's still good to use on not so serious scratchy throat.

    apprently ( according to the instruction) children from 2 to 12 can use it.


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