
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

We've had one crazy year. 

Our lives have been turned upside-down and inside-out. 

But I wouldn't undo a thing, honest. 

A new year gives an opportunity to re-evaluate and recommit. 

I seem to always fail at resolutions, so here are a few things I have worked hard at this year, and I'd like to recommit myself to:

1. Spending quality time with my kids, practicing patience and love.
I love this list from the Mother Huddle of 40 Ways to Show Your Child Love. I'm going to try every (age appropriate) one of them!

2. Getting closer every day to nature through the foods we eat.
I'm learning to bake bread, and I hope to get to the point where we don't even have to buy it. I'm so grateful for amazing women on the web and in real life who are teaching me SO MUCH!

3. Let go of the consumer in me and embrace the motto "Make it, make it last, make it do, or do without." I'm pretty proud of our Christmas, but in it's aftermath, I can see how we can do even better.

4. Give more.
We are really blessed. I want to give more to those who are not as blessed as we are, more time, more substance, more everything. And I want to teach my children to do this as well.

What are your goals for 2011?


1 comment:

  1. Great resolutions! Thanks for the 40 ways to show love link. I am going to be use those for my resolutions to!


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