
Thursday, December 16, 2010

{Yet Another Handmade Gift}

Sorry to have been gone so much lately!
It's the end of the semester, which is definitely my busy season. Plus, we've been trying to get things ready for Christmas, have had visitors, and are coming off the end of the Mister's semester work. {One more test and he's done! A year and a half of school in just a year--he's amazing!}

I have another post in the works about a visit from my sister with fun pictures; I'll get it done soon, even if its very late!

About a month ago, the ladies at church had a toy and coat swap--everyone brings some unwanted toys and everyone takes anything that strikes their fancy, with the remaining items getting donated. While there I found a doll stroller, something I'd been keeping an eye out to find super cheap, but hadn't yet. It was in pretty sad shape {I wish I'd taken a "before" picture!}, but mostly, it was the seat itself that looked bad. I decided I could probably sew a cover/new seat for it, so I took it home and set it aside.

Last night, I got to work. I used fabric I already had in my stash. At the request of the Mister, I used something a little more gender neutral than the rainbows and unicorns I had originally pulled out {because he knows Little Bird will be using it too}. I cut up the existing seat to use as a pattern, and transfered the buckle and straps from the old seat. Here's the finished product {sorry for the cell phone photos--my batteries were dead on the camera!}:

I know Squirrel will be just over the moon about it! All for the cost of $0! 


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