
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Traditions

One of the traditions in the Mister's house growing up, was making graham cracker candy houses. We've done it the last several years with his family because we have spent Christmas there, but this year, we are on our own, so I wanted to make sure that tradition was carried on, both for the Mister, and for the kids.

Graham crackers, burned sugar, royal icing and LOTS of candy make for a sweet Christmas tradition!

{Once Little Bird got down to the business of actually applying, 
rather than eating, all the candy, he was very serious about his task.}

{And then, he was smart enough to figure out that he could add a lot more candy if he FILLED the house with candy. This cracked up the Mister, because he did the same thing as a kid.} 

Merry Christmas! We hope it is as sweet as ours!


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