
Friday, October 15, 2010

{This weekend...}

Here's what is on my weekend to-do list...

: : : I will finish something on the hook.

{Perhaps this?} 

: : : I will lay in the grass while the fall breeze runs over the yard.

: : : We will bake.

: : : We will scour the pumpkin patch for the most magnificent pumpkin to ever grace a stoop.
{Although...we might already have it, but if you don't set a goal, you'll never reach it...}

: : : We will capture some of those perfect autumn leaves which are falling all around us.

: : : The Mister will be studying...a LOT.

: : : The Mister will be watching football...a LOT. (Keep your fingers crossed for Tennessee...somehow, the week is always better when they win...Go VOLS!)

: : :I will finally get my birthday cake. And maybe, if I'm really lucky, I'll get to go out for a birthday movie.

Hope your weekend is perfect!



  1. Sounds like an amazing weekend! Let's see... My to-do list includes attempting to navigate my way through updated the online class that I'll be teaching starting 11/1. Also, since apples are so cheap and I am so deathly afraid of baking, maybe I will force myself to bake something apple-ly delicious. And, I believe my better half and I will be hiking tomorrow.

    Let's do this more often. I almost feel like we're actually talking to each other. :)

  2. Sounds like a good weekend! I need to have some good goals of productivity too. Too much computer right now for me. but it is so COLD right now!

  3. I want your weekend! I am lying around with an occasional tear due to Mastitis. no fun.


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