
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

{Just a silly post about STUFF...}

In advance, this is totally a naughty post about THINGS I love. I'm not supposed to love THINGS anymore. But...sometimes I still do. Sorry. I can't be perfect EVERYday!

Here's the other item I made for the giveaway (I also made a little headband to go with it).

This was probably the most frustrating and difficult thing I have ever made. I ended up completely frogging (a frog in crochet doesn't say "ribbit"--he says "rip it") the purse three times and starting completely over. I used this tutorial, and I just could NOT get my hands and those directions to make sense together. I finally decided to use the basic shape and ruffling, but do it in the way that made sense in my head and FINALLY, on attempt four, got it figured out. (I think I have at least two ENORMOUS change purses that are half done laying around here still, if anyone else wants to give it a try!) But, thanks to Calista for her gorgeous inspiration and handy diagrams. I'd have never been able to do it without her tutorial!

{It's about the size of a cantaloupe  and about as cute as a baby panda riding a rocking horse.}

So was really frustrating, but ultimately, it also turned out to be one of my very favorite things I have ever made! I had a difficult time sticking it in the mail because I would have loved to keep it. Now that I actually know how to make one, maybe I'll make myself another. (At least this thing I love I gave away, right?)

Speaking of more things I love: for my birthday, I got a Ninja from the Mister and the kiddos (but, for the record, I'm pretty sure he paid like 1/2 of that for it-so DON'T order it online!). I am totally stoked--I've never had anything that chops and dices and does exciting things, and I can't wait to make something spectacular with it.  I just have to remember to keep my fingers out of it. Especially since I cut myself with a knife last week while cutting a bagel (Yeah, a BAGEL...note to self: do not stick your finger into bagel hole and then proceed to slice).

The other present I got was from, ahem, myself (all women do that, right?). It is pretty much the best necklace ever, and I have been in love with it for ages:

{Is this not the greatest thing EVER? Except, I wish it were's cast and hollow in back, but if it were solid, it could also double as a weapon (you know, for protection) AND a fabulous piece of jewelry. Though for the price, fabulous jewelry only is totally justifiable.}

I think I'll wear it every day and have them bury me in it when I die. 


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