
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Autumn in the high desert...

Little Bird and I went for a drive while Squirrel was in preschool. We stopped to play at a park along the Snake River and enjoyed the subtle turn in seasons peeping out around us.



  1. So pretty! I don't know about you, but I was so glad to understand what four seasons meant once I moved to Flagstaff. But...we are pretty much limited to aspens here, so all we see is yellow. I think someday I'd love to live where the colors are vibrantly red and orange too. What a sight that would be!

  2. Thank you!
    Jenny--I was literally blown AWAY when I moved to VA. Talk about a rainbow of colors--I have never seen anything like autumn along the Blue Ridge. I miss it painfully every year, but for now, Idaho is at least taking the edge off!

  3. Hurray for VA!!! Although this fall is not being what it could be, I guess the summer was too dry. Enjoy the golds of Idaho!


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