
Friday, July 9, 2010


Had a loooooong day today, trying to wear the kiddos out so I could get some cleaning and organizing done while they napped.

What instead happened was that they wore ME out and I fell asleep trying to get them to settle down (thankfully, they also fell asleep.)

When the Mister got home, he took one look at me and the house and said, "WHOA! What happened here?" and then, "You look like a crazy person..."

I felt like one too....

Anyway, ended up not getting as much done as I hoped and did a little web surfing instead.

Tabs and bookmarks from my surfing:

Unclutterer : : : "If it's not important to you, don't consume it"  (This might be my new phrase to live by.)

Our Best Bites : : : Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Chips

e-Mealz ...really considering this because I am terrible at meal planning and know if I were better our budget would stretch much further....anyone have experience with them?

The Language of Breastfeeding--An interesting article about the language we use and how it affects mothering....



  1. I liked the Unclutterer link. I am watching No Impact Man right now. Very interesting ideas. We're going to try some of them!

  2. I did a free trial through one of the meal sites, but found I didn't want to cook what was on the menu. Plus, being unable to use tomatoes hinders one's ability to use other people's meal plans. I've been planning 2 weeks at a time, and doing a massive grocery shop for ingredients I don't have. It's been better than usual. I can not meal plan once a week, so the longer stretch works better (still not perfect.) Also, while your at OBB, try the wrap recipe from last Sunday; we've had it twice this week, and Mom loved it too!

  3. We used emeals for about a year-it was good, I guess. It helped me stick with a menu, and it helped with managing the food budget. We stopped using it, though, because I felt we weren't getting the freshest meals we could get-it was a lot of canned stuff, processed stuff, etc. So we dropped them. But I don't think I could stick to a menu and a budget now unless I'd used them to learn how...


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