
Friday, June 11, 2010

Squirrel's Birthday {Part 2}

For Squirrel's birthday, we put up a low loft bed in her room for her. She's been sleeping fitfully in her toddler bed, partly because of the space, I think. We brought it with us (it was mine as a kid) in anticipation of her needing it, and since she's been asking us for a bunk bed, we set it up after she went to sleep. The child sleeps through everything, so we put it up while she slept and at FIVE AM the next morning, she bounded into our room, saying, "Mommy! Daddy! Come quick! There is a big bunk bed in my room!" She was positively ecstatic, and when we asked where it came from, she told us that the Birthday Moose brought it for her. (I'm not exactly sure how the Birthday Moose started. I think it stems from the fact that, following a tradition my father started, we have a "Valentine's Camel" in our family, and since her birthday came after the Valentine's Camel and the Easter Bunny, it seems she needed a mascot for that day too, and we've since been stoking that little flame...)

We convinced her to "try it out" by going back to bed in it so that we could get a few more hours of sleep.

As usual, she was up for good at seven, and we gave her some options for how to spend the day. Her activity of choice was the zoo.

{I think this guy kind of looks like Little Bird with those big brown eyes! HA!}

On the way, she got to open a present from her Aunt Lindsey and Cousin Rex, which she insisted on putting to good use the moment we got back:

{Is this not the cutest little chef you've EVER seen??} 

We enjoyed a PB&J picnic in the courtyard, followed by dinner, cake, and presents, and staying up late with just mom and dad for a birthday movie...

{You can see by the state of her mouth that she'd already been sneaking icing before the big moment...}

Overall, we were quite exhausted, but it was fun to celebrate someone who LOVES to celebrate anything.

(More later on her homemade present! I'm so ridiculously proud of it!)



  1. I love the hat and apron! She is the cutest chef! :)

  2. Great zoo pictures! And your little girl is a doll!

  3. When I directed Dad to this page, he was concerned that you may be allowing your children to ride on an actual tiger. After assuring him it was, in fact, a tiger statue (and not an entirely convincing one at that) he felt better. This from the man who allowed his children to be photographed with a white tiger AT A GAS STATION???

  4. We need to get the story straight on the tiger at the gas station, it was MOM. I only ever saw the picture. Besides that was before OSHA came into existence and who knew what dastardly things tigers could do????


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