
Monday, June 7, 2010

{Giveaway Winners!}

Sorry this is coming a bit late! The Mister and I have been busy making preparations for Squirrel's birthday in the morning!

The first winner of the giveaway (and gets first pick between the two books) is #16, Chelsea, who wrote:

"I like the free pictures of insects! My kids will love to check them out..."

And the second winner is #21, Valerie, who wrote:

"First, thank you SO much for drawing my attention to this awesome website! We are getting ready to begin our adventures in homeschooling and all of these books and resources fit so nicely into our "curriculum." I LOVE it! My top two right now would be "Take A Winter Nature Walk" and "Take a Tree Walk" (thanks to my mother-in-law, my kids are already fascinated with birds and can identify far more than I ever could as a kid)."

Congrats to the winners! I will be emailing you to arrange sending your your books! And thanks so much to everyone who entered!


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