
Thursday, April 1, 2010

{Homemade Up-cycled Easter-y Dress}

Another example of something made from something else. Squirrel hardly ever agrees to wear pants (unless I convince her that they are "ballerina tights"), so I'm always in need of cute and colorful knit dresses, especially that fit in out (meager) budget. As a result, I decided to start trying to make her some myself.

I made this from two old t-shirts. I think it turned out pretty well. I'd probably do the collar a bit differently if I had to do it over again, but it works in a sweet vintage way. (I only wish I knew how to make her a pill box hat to top it off!) I am most proud of the fact that I did not use a pattern for it--I'm getting good enough to sew with out them--even sleeves! (Okay...admittedly, I'm not sure I CAN sew from a pattern...that's my next goal...)

Maybe if Squirrel will stand still for more than a millisecond, I can get a shot of her in the dress...

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