
Saturday, April 17, 2010

{He's HOME!}

"After completing his experiments [...] he returned home contented."

The Mister is HOME!

Good grief I love this man so much. I love that when he spots us from across the courtyard I can see his pace quicken as he hurries to grab us all up. I love that he gives each of us his undevoted attention as though nothing else exists in the world for those moments. I love that after nearly seven years (whoa!) of marriage I still get butterflies when I see him and that he still looks at me like I am the young college cheerleader of our dating days. (Even though my hips tell the story of the years and the births, his face never does.) I love that he misses me like I miss him and that our children are as madly in love with him as I am.

You know what else I love? I LOVE that I think he loves me best. And I think that's the way it should be--because if we always love each other best, then every other piece of love between us and around us will always fall into place after it.

Sorry for all the mush...maybe I'll have a go at some profundity next week....


  1. I loved this post! Thanks! I love and agree with the second to last paragraph. And I love your blog!

  2. Aw! Thanks Carolena! Hope all is well!


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