
Friday, March 5, 2010

"I weathered some merry snow-storms..."

We are trying to make peace with the snow. To be truthful, it really isn't all that bad. I think the novelty still exists for us, coming from Phoenix, so I don't feel the grayness of it all as much as some of the girls in the residence hall do. We don't take the opportunity to play in it as much as we should (it is sooo darn cold!), but the weather has been warming to make it just right for some play time in the middle of the day.

We trekked down to the open field on the campus and spent some time in the snow.

The Mister found a stray snow shovel and thought it would be lots of fun to dig a hole for Squirrel to play in. She thought so too, and helped him dig for a while:


while shoveling...

he clocked Squirrel square in the mouth with the shovel. 

{Is this not the most pitiful thing you've ever seen?}

She was soon back to herself, making and eating snow "pizza" from a nearby bank. Happily, this also cleaned up some of the blood that had smeared across her face:


When the Mister finished digging her hole, she seemed pretty good with the idea...

...until he tried to climb in with her. I think she was worried he'd bring the snow shovel in with him...

And just for good measure, here are Little Bird and I, all bundled up and looking ridiculous in our winter hats:


  1. For the record, you don't look ridiculous. You look beautiful and so perfect with Little Bird snuggled up next to you!

  2. I don't believe I've ever seen the Mister without his facial hair. I forgot that would be a change for him with the schooling. He looks like a totally different, younger person. You guys look great and we miss you! Maybe we'll have to come visit when the weather warms up. You're not to far from us.

  3. I was trying to figure out why he looked so different. . . crazy what facial hair does. My dad gets "welcome to the ward" comments at church when he shaves. It cracks me up. I just love your blog, btw. I seriously look forward to reading it. I laughed my pants off at some of your stories. My fav was the "baby tiger, baby dragon" pee incident. I read it aloud to my man while crying I was laughing to hard. Anyway, I have been quite remiss in my commenting, so here is a long one to hopefully make up a bit. I am an avid reader, just not very gppd at the commenting part. Love and miss you guys. You are all so beautiful!


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