
Thursday, January 21, 2010

"...wherever there is beauty, he will find a home." {Part Two}

Well, we are mostly settled in...still a few boxes here and there. We are far from family; we live in a place that until 3 weeks ago, neither my husband nor I had ever even visited; we are experiencing weather that is nearly alien. And yet, this little place is starting to feel just like home. 

I thought you all might enjoy a bit of a tour (and I say "bit", not because I will only show you part of our place, but because "bit" is a pretty apt word for describing the size of our new apartment!), so sit back and enjoy the virtual tour of our own little experiment in simplicity....

And there you have it. The whole grand tour. So welcome to our new little corner of the universe. It's little, but feels just right, thanks to some enormous and transformative purging.

I'm so happy we took the leap. So happy we unburdened ourselves of all the STUFF...but more importantly that somewhere in that process of unloading things, we unloaded the bondage of the lives we had fallen into. I'm so grateful that we were set afire and that it burned hot enough and bright enough to ignite change. I'm so grateful for this new little place, this new little life...

Wherever there is knowledge, wherever there is virtue, wherever there is beauty, we will find a home...

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